Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Restore Your Mental Well-being taking PDE5 inhibitors

Not being able to lead a healthy sex life affects one's mental well-being. Sexual dysfunction makes one feel less confident in every part of one's life, and the situation can become worse and worse as this cycle continues....
one of the causes of erectile dysfunction is considered to be the age. But this question is controversial. And many seniors who use ED drugs and just people living very healthy lives in good environment do still enjoy sex as if they are in their 20s or 30s. Erectile dysfunction is also caused by other things. Those who are diabetic for example usually get ED while those who take antidepressants suffer the same fate.
An estimated 35% to 75% of men who have diabetes suffer a certain degree of impotence usually a decade earlier than those without the disease. As men with this kind of ailment age, the occurrence of impotence becomes more common. The causes of ED in men with this illness are of course complex but scientists have found that impairments or damages in the nerves, the blood vessels and malfunctioning of the muscles contribute to not being able to get or maintain an erection. Healthy blood vessels are needed to perform in bed and since men need a lot of blood into their penile region during sex, it is difficult for men with unhealthy blood vessels to actually perform in bed. And as if this isn't injury enough, men with ED also suffer from depression or loss of confidence or both. The mental well-being of a man is affected if he has sexual dysfunction that's why those who have been taking Levitra (Vardenafil) are a lot happier than men with ED who do not take the PDE5 inhibitor.
Men who take antidepressants due to clinical depression or other mental disorders are also at high risk of developing impotence. While antidepressants are designed to make a depressed person a lot happier and a happier person would usually have more sexual thoughts than an unhappy one, this is just the opposite for men who are taking these drugs. Men who take antidepressants usually have problems getting it up while others just have no desire to have sex.
While men who have diabetes can take the drug Levitra with constant monitoring from their general practitioners, men who suffer from impotence due to SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) should be more cautious. Doctors say that there is only a need for you to lower your dose of your SSRI while taking drugs like Levitra for the latter to take effect but there is still a need for you to take a look at possible consequences of doing such.
If you take Levitra however, you can be sure that your mind will be more at ease because you can perform in bed again.

Human Knowledge about Asthma. Is There a Treatment?

Considered by many as an often frightening experience, an asthma attack is something that sufferers of the condition or those who have loved ones with asthma should always be prepared for.
Asthma is a condition first recorded by the ancient Chinese. It was described in a 2600 BC text as "noisy breathing". It was only in 400 BC however that the term asthma was coined. Hippocrates used the Greek term "Asthma" which directly translates to "wind" because of the respiratory disease's occurrence whenever the wind blows therefore identifying the relationship of the condition to a person's environment. It has been suggested that Hippocrates was the first allergist. During the time of Alexander the Great, some of his men smoked an anticholinergic agent in the form of the herb stramonium to relax their lungs. This means that an asthma attack or asthma in general is definitely not new. Apart from the gasping or the breathlessness, it was also determined that this attack can happen after running or toiling. It was even mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi as breathlessness i.e. as said in the code, "If a man's lungs pant with his work." (1792-1750 BC)
In 50 AD, Pliny the Elder saw that it's not just the environment in particular that causes respiratory difficulty but certain things in particular - pollen being Pliny the Elder's culprit. Pliny suggested that those who suffer from asthma drink lots of wine for its ephedra content. But how does asthma work and how does the prodrug Prednisone help in relieving asthmatic patients?
Although asthma has been around for almost three millennia, there are still millions of people in the US alone who suffer from the condition. Science has come a long way however in understanding the triggers of asthma-associated breathlessness. One has to note though that this respiratory problem does not have a treatment and all doctors can do is to treat or alleviate its symptoms and to determine the triggers of attacks in patients with severe asthma. Do we know how asthma works though? To understand how it works one must know how normal lungs work. From the mouth and nose, air goes to the trachea - the tube that connects the mouth and the nose to the lungs. The lungs is divided into the right and left bronchus. The trachea wall is made up of very smooth muscle to keep the airways open. However in the case of those with asthma, whenever there is an allergen, these smooth muscles swell - making it difficult for air to pass through hence shortness of breath or for those with severe asthma breathlessness occurs.
Asthma is an incapacitating condition but thanks to drugs like Prednisone, those who have the respiratory inflammatory disorder can lead normal lives. Prednisone is a corticosteroid that helps in reducing inflammation that is why it is an effective medication given to patients suffering from respiratory problems that involves an inflamed trachea. Because of its ability to reduce or get rid of inflammation, Prednisone is also an effective treatment for other diseases that cause inflammation of certain parts of the body.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Prednisone is a commonly prescribed steroid used to treat a variety of conditions. Most people recognize it as a treatment for asthma, but it can also be beneficial in treating certain types of arthritis. Prednisone, which is a corticosteroid, has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatic, lupus, temporal arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, gout, sarcoidosis, pseudogout, and the arthritis that goes along with inflammatory bowel disease.
Your body has endocrine glands that help keep your organs functioning. Endocrine glands excrete hormones which have specific tasks related to regulation. Your body has multiple ways of providing feedback, so this system stays under control.
A specific endocrine organ, your adrenal glands, produces glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids have many different functions, including maintaining blood pressure, metabolizing protein, fat, and sugar, responding to stress, and inflammation. Your body produces these chemicals naturally, but sometimes it does not produce enough, or they do not function properly. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease. Therefore, it can be helped by the use of steroids. Oral steroids are an artificial way of getting glucocorticoids into your body. Although Prednisone can work well for arthritis, it does have its drawbacks, especially if you quit taking it without a doctor's instruction.
Steroids like Prednisone can be given intravenously, intramuscularly, or by mouth. These types of steroids are referred to as exogenous. When you take these drugs, it reduces the ability of your adrenal glands to manufacture glucocorticoids.
Without the ability to increase steroid production, you can experience shock if you go into stress or obtain an injury, infection, or go through surgery. Therefore, you must not stop taking Prednisone "cold turkey." Since your body will not be making glucocorticoids on its own, you must slowly taper off of Prednisone to give your body a chance to start working on its own and catch up.
There are also some side effects to be aware of when using Prednisone. Less serious side effects include acne, dry or thinning skin, discoloration or bruising, increased sweating, nausea, bloating, or stomach pain, mood changes, sleep problems, wounds that heal slowly, headaches, spinning sensations or dizziness, and changes in body fat composition or location.
More serious side effects include tarry or blood stools, swelling, eye pain, blurred vision, seeing halos around lights, rapid weight gain, depression, coughing up blood, feeling short of breath, unusual behavior or thoughts, pancreatitis, seizures, low potassium, and a dangerous increase in blood pressure. If you experience any of these side effects, contact your doctor or seek medical attention immediately.
If you have arthritis, it might be worth it to discuss Prednisone with your physician. As with any drug, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons in order to determine if it is a good treatment. You should always let your doctor know about any other medical conditions you may have, and any medications you are taking. Do not take Prednisone without a prescription and supervision from a doctor. Also, do not take a higher dose than prescribed.